Change by day, Craft by night
January 25th, 2007 by JoySo maybe my craft room doesn’t look like this but it works for me. My husband and i live in a 2 bedroom apartment which we love! We actually sold our house that was too much maintenance to move into a more manageable space. (I know it sounds crazy but, i’ll tell you that story another time) At the time we also had no plans of starting a family. I had the entire spare room all to my self and my crafty mess. But when we found out we were expecting i had to do some switching around. This is what i came up with.
By day it is a changing table with her goodies on it.
and by night (or nap) it is my craft table.
I absolutely love the tile top for all projects, especially cutting fabric. You can just get your scissors right in the groove to get a straight cut. The table is so easy to clean too. Get yourself one! My dad got this one at a yard sale. I painted it turquoise my new favorite color and looks great in Lucy’s room. What I love about this set up is it forces me to clean up when I’m done.
I use the little drawers for her things, but kept one for me, to put my sewing things in.
Some of my fabrics i have no idea what i’m going to make with them. I used the one on top to line my diaper bag. Don’t you love the $1 bin at Walmart??
And of course my trusty freezer paper and fabric paint. Tulip glitter one of my personal favorites. Gotta have some bling!
And last but certainly not least my sweet knitting. This is my bag i take everywhere with me. Pictured here next to the couch where i like to knit, while i’m talking with Brian or he reads to me. I have some knitting rules i follow. I always knit while i’m with people. I’m usually working on such easy projects, that if i’m alone i just can’t bear to sit and knit by myself. I also try to finish each project before starting a new one. This is my current project, another bag for the craft fair. The first bag is peaking out. I’ll post that soon. It turned out super cool. Also, if you have never tried Denise interchangeable knitting needles you MUST! i’m hooked. I’ll never knit with anything else EVER. Just ask, Erin, Deaven or Jen. They know what i mean!
Also for more ideas on setting up your craft space take a look at what whip up had to say
January 25th, 2007 at 6:29 am
Joy – I love your table and space! What a great way for utilizing a small space – and its great because you have to clean up after so it never gets cluttered…what an awesome idea! And I love the tile
I too have the Denise interchangeables, and I love love love them. I used them all the time, and they are great!!!
January 25th, 2007 at 8:23 am
ooooOOO, really great space saving solutions. I love that tile covered craft table!
January 25th, 2007 at 9:27 am
Great and creative way to use your space! Cool idea to use the grooves for cutting fabric straight, but alas, I must say that if I have to chose between the one room I like the best…of course MIMI says….”LUCY”S ROOM”.
January 25th, 2007 at 3:50 pm
wow… I love your tile top too. Great Ideas. :*)
January 26th, 2007 at 6:46 am
I love that Ikea hanging bag thing.
Yes, I am an Ikea addict. And a nerd. What?
January 26th, 2007 at 9:18 am
Speaking as a mother of four (all grown, thank goodness), that ought to last about another six months! Then she’ll be big enough to “help you”!!