Crafty Daisies » WIP Just another WordPress weblog Fri, 31 Oct 2008 12:49:43 +0000 en hourly 1 This ‘n That Sat, 29 Mar 2008 23:50:07 +0000 Simone mosaic3178784web.gif

Here are a couple of projects and works-in-progress currently pending at my household:

Cashmere Sweater Blanket


This is for my grandmother for her 90th birthday. Her birthday is on March 31th. Do you think I can finish and ship it by then?

Stenciled Baby Top


I’ve been wanting to follow Joy’s stenciling instructions for a year now. Here’s the perfect project: a tiny little shirt for my friend Vanessa who is due in April.


My daughter became inspired by the whole process, although she deemed the color choices lacking, she did manage to pull together a cool design.

Another Vest


There was a time when I actually finished an entire adult sweater, usually for the boy friend de jour. Then I started making children’s sweaters, again with collars and full length sleeves. Now I can’t even be bothered to start on sleeves and Elizabeth did not want a collar, which leaves me with another vest.

Elizabeth picked the colors and decided she liked stripes. I thought stripes alone were boring and went through some knitting books to try some new patterns. Now she has a stripy sampler just in time for spring.

So, what are you working on?

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Knitting WIP’s Mon, 07 May 2007 13:08:37 +0000 Joy Been working on a few things. Thanks for your help with this yarn I just couldn’t do anything but a scarf. I know it’s getting warm here too but it is going to be soo yummy this winter. My winter self will thank my spring self for knitting it.


When I bought this yarn I also picked up this ginormous spool of yarn. I was inspired to make Lucy an Easter dress. And here it is. Good thing I had a plan B. Maybe it will just be a summer time dress :)

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WIP Friday Fri, 02 Feb 2007 12:46:12 +0000 Crafty Crew No new crafts today, but the crew here at Crafty Daisies would like to show off some of our ongoing projects, some that will be finished in no time, and others that may or may not see an end.


Heather is currently working on an afghan for her husband, Mykle. He requested a really wide once because the one she made him previously was too narrow and he couldn’t wrap up in it. So this one is made to the equivalent in width of a king size blanket, which is a perfect size for him but is taking fffooorrreeevvveeerrr to make. She is alternating rows of single crochet and double crochet for a tight knit, and plans on bordering it with dark brown to finish it off.


Jen loves making this felted bag so much that she has practically memorized the pattern and currently has 2 in the making. She can’t wait to felt this – the green color is so bright and the trim is a swirl of pinks, turquoise and gold. All that’s left to do is going back to the craft store to buy more green wool. The bottom needs to be sewn together and gusseted, the straps need to be finished and sewn on, and then it will ready to wash. But then who to give it to…?


Candace is not a fan of the knitting, but when she found this yarn for cheap, she bought eight skeins of it and decided to make a baby blanket. What started as a gift for a friend who’s expecting a girl, has now turned into a blanket she will keep for herself and her future daughter (if she’s blessed with one, otherwise back into a gift it shall turn). Not only b/c the colors are so great will she keep it, but also b/c it is a slow-going project. But as all knitters know, it’s an easy pick up and put down WIP.

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