It’s 90 plus degrees and I could be sorting out summer clothes and putting winter stuff away, however, I’d rather be sewing! While attempting to deal with such mundane chores, I found a pair of Elizabeth’s jeans. While they are way to short for her, the waist still fits perfectly for my skinny child so they became the object of another refashioning exercise.
Part 1: Cutting up the Jeans

- Lay out the jeans and cut off the legs right below the crotch. This will be the top tier of the skirt.

- Open up the seam between the legs.
- Look at the top part of the jeans and measure the distance from the waist to about one inch below the zipper of the jeans. In my case that was 6.5 inches/16.5 cm.

- Mark this distance all around the tier.

- Even out the bottom of the tier by cutting along your mark.
Part 2: The Math
Calculate the Width of the Ruffles
- Decide how long you want the skirt to be and subtract the length of the jeans top tier from this number.

- Divide the remainder by the number of ruffles you wish to add for ruffles of equal width. This skirt is 16.5 inches long. 16.5 – 6.5 inches for the top tier = 10 inches. 10 inches divided by 2 ruffles = 5 inch width per ruffle.
Calculate the Length of the Ruffles
- Measure the circumference of the bottom edge of the top tier and multiply this number by two. This is the length of the second tier ruffle.
- Multiply the length of the second tier ruffle by two. This is the length of the third tier ruffle.
These calculations will give you two fairly full tiers of ruffles. If you want the skirt two be less full, make the ruffles a little shorter.
Part 3: Cut the Fabric
With these measurements, cut your ruffles. You may have to join one or more strips of fabric to get the requisite length. For example, my first ruffle had to be 50 inches long and the fabric was 45 inches wide, so I had to cut another 5 inch strip to make up the 50 inches.
Part 4: Ruffle the Ruffles
- For each ruffle, join the lengths of fabric you cut out to make a long strip.
- Use your preferred method to finish the raw edges of the strips. I sewed a zigzag stitch along the edges.
- For each ruffle, sew the long strip together to make a loop.
- Ruffle the second tier ruffle by sewing long basting stitches along the top edge of the fabric.
- Mark each quarter of the top jeans tier, e.g., front middle, left side, back middle, right side.

- Repeat this for the second tier ruffle.
- With right sides together, pin the second tier ruffle to the top jeans tier matching the quarter markings.

- Gather the fabric between the markings by pulling the top thread of the basting stitch.
- Evenly distribute the gathers.
- Sew the second tier ruffle to the top jeans tier. Repeat this process for the next ruffle(s).
Part 5: Finish the Skirt
At this point you should have attached all the ruffles.
- Hem the bottom tier.
I’m currently infatuated with bias tape hems. This skirt features homemade tape made out of matching fabric. For instructions on making this tape check out Step Four of the cashmere blanket tutorial. You could also just make a traditional double fold hem. (Fold the bottom edge to the inside and press, fold again, press and stitch.)
Dance the night away. This is the perfect party skirt.