My new machine!
February 27th, 2007 by HeatherI’ve been wanting to take my sewing to the next level, and start sewing more professional looking items. I’m also going to venture into sewing clothes for myself, my husband and my daughter. Plus, with all the diapers I’ve been sewing lately, I wanted to make that a bit easier too.
So I splurged, and bought myself this:

A new serger!! At first, I wasn’t sure if I really “needed” a serger. Its possible to sew any garment or project without one, you just have to take extra steps to ensure your raw edges don’t fray. I had also heard that the learning curve with a serger can be a steep one, especially when it comes to threading the machine or surging corners and round edges.
However, the one reason I really wanted to get the serger was that I love the look of serged fitted diapers. I think they look really cute, and I had also heard that a serged diaper comes together much faster than a turned and topstitched one.
From, a comparison of serged and topstitched diapers.

So after lots of debate, I decided to purchase one, and I received it on Valentine’s Day. And I must say, I got so much more than I expected with the machine. You can do decorative edges on your garments, decorative topstitching, and so much more! Plus, I love the fact that when sewing a seam, you sew it and finish the edges at the same time, saving you time. Also, serging goes so much faster than a straight sewing stitch, saving time there as well!
I’ve spent lots of time serging scrap pieces of fabric, learning curves and different methods. I’ve also threaded and rethreaded the machine numerous times, to learn how to do it correctly. This learning time I took was really beneficial, and I’ve already been able to start with projects using my serger!
I serged a fitted diaper for my daughter, and I think it turned out really well for a first attempt!
Of course, the serger didn’t take away all the extra steps you need a sewing machine for, but it sure cut the time to make the diaper in about half for me!
I’m also currently working on a shirt for my husband, and I have purchase a couple of patterns to make my daughter. I also bought a pattern for shirts to make myself, but they are a bit more advanced and I will probably wait until I am more confident with my serger before trying them.
Does anyone else have a serger? Do you think its a good investment? I love mine!!
February 27th, 2007 at 8:58 am
I have come *this* close to buying a serger many times. If you are going to be making clothes that you plan on wearing very much, you really need a serger – because if not the seems just don’t hold as well. I think it is a great investment if you use it!! I haven’t bought one because I go through ‘phases’ where I sew alot and then don’t sew for a long period of time before picking it back up. Hope you have lots of fun with your serger. If I have a little girl (one day) I’ll probably end up buying one because little girl clothes are just the cutest and I know I’d be making cute outfits for her. I wouldn’t be able to resist!
February 27th, 2007 at 9:58 am
That’s officially the cutest diaper I have ever seen. With your sewing skills I think a new machine is a wise investment.
February 27th, 2007 at 10:36 am
Wow, your diaper looks great! What pattern did you use, if you don’t mind sharing your resources? We’re having our first baby in June and are picking up cloth diapers left, right and centre, and I’m planning on making some with my mother-in-law if they’re not too complex. And I have serious serger envy!
February 27th, 2007 at 10:54 am
I own a surger but sadly have not played with it yet.
Also plan on doing Cloth Diapers now I might have to sew some of my own.
Did you find your pattern on line?
February 27th, 2007 at 4:29 pm
wow that looks like a complicated machine. eheheh… your diaper looks great.
February 27th, 2007 at 5:56 pm
I don’t have a serger *yet*, but I am sure it is only a matter of time!
February 28th, 2007 at 2:47 am
Good job! I have a serger, but find it so complicated to use (it does everything) that I’ve never used it to sew anything useful. Would you be kind enough to share what kind you have? I’ve been thinking of selling the one I have and getting something more simple. Also, does the one you have do a cover stitch? Thanks for sharing!
March 1st, 2007 at 7:26 pm
I have a serger, but haven’t taken it out of the box yet. I’m a little afraid of it. I found it used, and the gal who sold it to me said to leave all the threads in if changing colors, then to tie the new spools to the threads and pull through.
Someday I’ll pull that puppy out – I’d like to make diapers and clothes, too.
Good luck, and keep us updated with progress and projects!!
March 5th, 2007 at 11:18 am
Wow, that’s a nice one! I’ve only seen them being used, I’ve never used one. I think you did a great job on the diaper.
March 6th, 2007 at 12:11 pm
I cloth diaper and I often have wondered about those types of differences.I am sure a serger will be a great investment for you.
No words of advice. I am awaiting the delivery of my very first sewing machine
I am enjoying reading about your sewing though!!
January 12th, 2008 at 1:58 pm
i just got home with a Janome serger from Hancocks. they are on sale this weekend! i am excited about it and looking for some useful ideas from your readers! i love your diaper and so happy you are chosing to go ‘green’! i used cloth with my little ones 25 years ago. i was the only one in my group of moms to use them.