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Simple Makeup Bag

April 26th, 2007 by Jen Love


I made about a dozen of these little bags for the Craft fair. I have had fun choosing the fabrics, embellishments, and buttons and they are so quick to whip up! They are great for makeup bags or I like to put my phone, keys, and cash in it and then put it in my larger diaper bag. I cut a pattern out of a cereal box. It measured: the narrow end/ top = 6 1/2″, the wider bottom = 8 1/2″, height = 6″.

I wanted to make these bags stiff (as I asked about in a previous bag post) so I bought no-sew bond, cut it out using the pattern, and ironed it to the lining. Then you peel away the paper and iron it to the outside fabric. At this point I decide if I want to attatch a stripe of ribbon or trim. Use can use the no-sew bond to attatch this also or sew across the trim with the sewing machine. I also added in a short strap on some of the bags.


Then I cut a piece of velcro about 2″ long, folded over a 1/2″ hem, centered the velcro strip and sewed 2 lines, one across the top and botton of the velcro across the width of the bag. This works well too if you want to attatch the trim along the bottom seam for the velcro. Then I turn the bag wrong side out and sew up the sides. I cheat; I sew through the no-sew bond since my fabrics were not very thick. I like the stiffness it gives the fabric. Then I make a gussetted bottom by making a triangle horizontally at the each corner about 1″ down from the edge and sewing across this triangle horizontally. (sorry this is a little hard to describe in words)


Such a quick and easy gift or I love having a girly bag inside my big, plain diaper bag!

54 Responses to “Simple Makeup Bag”

  1. Natalie Says:

    These look so quick and easy. I think I might try to make one for my summer swap buddie. ;)

  2. deb Says:

    super duper cute!!

  3. (((((HUGS))))) sandi Says:

    You are STILL too clever for me! I STILL wanna BE you! I can’t sew~terrible, huh? So I try handsewing aprons, but they fall apart. ARGH! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

  4. Kristi Says:

    Those are so cute and clever. Love the fun fabrics.

  5. sara Says:

    thats a great Idea I might have to steal it. I could make one for my diaper bag.

    Oh I love the bobby pin fabric so cute and fun.

  6. Karen Says:

    Very cute bags! How did you get a nice finished edge at the top of your bag? I tried making a purse the other day, but couldn’t figure out how to finish off the top of the inside of the bag. (Make since??)

  7. Jen Love Says:

    Since the 2 layers of fabric are heat bonded together I didn’t turn it over twice and make a hem like I normally would. Since they are bonded I turned it over once, making a hem the same height as the velcro. It shouldn’t really fray much, maybe a strand or 2 of the fabric and then the bond is holding them together. I just didn’t worry with making a perfect turned under seam inside. (Sometimes if the outside looks nice, I move on!)
    I don’t do zippers yet but that would also make your top look really finished, or you could use magnetic snaps.

    I love my find of the bobby pin fabric for makeup bags!! I want to look too for some girly boutique/makeup/vintage kind of fabric. Does anyone have a favorite fabric to share?

  8. Ahava Says:

    Oh how wonderfully cute! I’ve had a bit of geisha fabric floating around in my stash and I think this is the perfect project for it.

  9. Randi Says:

    Those are WAY WAY too cute!! I want one! Were they easy to make?

  10. Joy Says:

    Love the fabric Jen, Such a great idea! So springy. Thanks so much for mine. I love it!

  11. Scrap Happy - More Than 50 Fabric Scraps & Remnant Ideas Plus Free Patterns » Says:

    [...] Makeup Bags, Gift Pouches, Shoe Bags, Drawstring Bags, Wristlet Bags and Origami Pocket Pouches [...]

  12. Jen Love Says:

    I have mastered the art of watching TV and sewing so I cut my fabric with my rotary cutter on the coffee table, lay my ironing board flat on the floor and iron my peices and hems, then run over to my machine during a commercial and sew the seams. So, it is probably about a half hour project. Pretty easy and not much sewing skill is needed!

  13. Le Borse di Gaya » Lampade colorate, singhiozzo e idee per la festa della mamma Says:

    [...] Idee per la festa della mamma: due simpatiche viste oggi. Un porta foto con fil di ferro colorato, e la ricetta per fare il pane in mini contenitori fornendo tutti gli ingredienti in un sacchetto. E se invece vi va di cucire un po’, un porta cosmetici semplice semplice, o un copri macchina da cucire. [...]

  14. Jen Says:

    So darling! That bobby pin fabric is fabulous, what a great find!

  15. vicky Says:

    oh my goodness that little button is sooo cute, i just stumbled onto your site and i love it! where did you get that flapper lady button? is it vintage? i have seen badges with the same kind of illustration but never a button!

  16. Jen Says:

    I actually got that button at Joann fabrics. I love it! Candace picked up some that were similar but red and white and a different era girl at Hobby Lobby, I think. So I am hoping there is a whole series that I can find. Amazing what cuteness you can get for a dollar!

  17. Sonnja Says:

    You make very handy Simple makeup bag

  18. Der wilde Garten | links for 2007-05-28 Says:

    [...] Crafty Daisies » Blog Archive » Simple Makeup Bag (tags: crafts howto patterns sewing Inspiration) [...]

  19. allison Says:

    I love this bag. I am very new to sewing and thought this looked and sounded easy enough. I tried to make one the other day and it ended up like a triangle. What am I doing wrong? can you email me with some more instructions? Or maybe a pattern you use? I would love to make these for christmas gifts. I made one with the dimmensions you said, it looks about right. Thanks for the help.

  20. Julie Says:

    I love this idea, and I want to make one for my mom for Christmas… However, I am fairly new to sewing and would like to know how you did the inside and the top? I don’t know if I should bond the fabrics (and if so, how??) or if you just sew the inside fabric to the outside fabric? Also, do you make the bag an inch or so larger and then just fold the top down to create a nice, thick, finished top?

    I know these are alot of questions, but since I’m new to this it takes awhile to sink in!!! lol! Thank you very much!

  21. Julie Says:

    What did you use for the trim? Ribbon, bias, or ???

  22. Suzanne Says:

    I found your website yesterday and immediately prepared the pattern and got to work. I had some 30 year old fabric that was just waiting for this project.

    I had a few “duh” moments but it really turned out well….once I realized the pattern was cut on the fold of the fabric and the “bag” was actually one piece with the lining.

    Lots of fun and I am looking forward to making more! Thanks!

  23. Suzanne Says:

    I forgot – here is my photo:

  24. Mandi Says:

    This is such an adorable makeup bag! I can’t wait to try my own!

  25. Liza Says:

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    Liza Riedel
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  26. gift baskets Says:

    These bags are cool and looking great. The combination of colors choosen is well suitable here.

  27. Jana White Says:

    About the cute little bags…I was wondering if you sell these? I do not sew however, I was looking to give make-up bags away to my 6 bridesmaids for my wedding in Dec. I am making their necklaces and earrings for them to wear and wanted some type of bag to put those in. These would be perfect. Please let me know. Thanks

  28. Jen Love Says:

    I have taken orders for bags and done them for bridesmaids. Please contact me at
    [email protected]

    i would love to!!

  29. Jen Love Says:


    First of all I should have explained in my post that the measurements I gave in the first paragraph are actually double. Draw and cut out a pattern with the measurements given, then fold your fabric along the wide end of the pattern and cut out. You do this twice making an outside and a lining piece. (If you fabric is directional, cut 2 pieces and sew a bottom/middle seam. It will work out the same.)
    2) Then I iron the pieces wrong-sides together with the no-sew bond (optional step).
    3) Lay the piece (now together) out flat. It should look like – narrow end, wide middle, narrow end. Fold each end down 1/2″ -1″ and iron toward what you want the lining to be. This makes a finished top edge. Now is where you pick up my instructions to sew on velcro strip or embellishments, before you sew the sides up. I sometime use snaps too.
    4) Once you have sewn down the 1″ that you folded over (and attached velcro, ribbon, etc.) then fold with right sides together, line up at the top and sew down right and left sides, starting from top. You can square the corners or leave them pointy. (See “How to Square Bags” post for pictures on how to do this.)

  30. Rita Frankmore Says:

    Hi there I have been looking at a free website and I came across your site and I just love your tutorials and would love to include them on our blog would you let me know if this is ok here is our blog so you can take a look
    I plan to make some of these for myself and maybe for some gifts
    thank you in advance kraftykrew aka Rita, Frances, Irene

  31. LAUREN Says:

    SOOO CUTE I PUT ALL OF MY MAKEUP IN IT!my boyfriend even likes it THANKS

  32. LAUREN Says:

    SOOO CUTE I PUT ALL OF MY MAKEUP IN IT!my boyfriend even likes it THANKS

  33. LAUREN Says:

    omg i love it you saved my makeup from spilling

  34. Kelsey Says:

    this is so cute!
    where did you find the bobby pin fabric, my fave!

  35. Kelsey Says:

    this is so cute!
    where did you find the bobby pin fabric?

  36. Jen Love Says:

    From Joann’s Fabric store, but it has been a year or two.

  37. Kerstin Says:

    These are so adorable! I’m going to try and make a bunch of these for my Bride’s Maids!! What an awesome, easy gift!

  38. Shari Says:

    Hi Jen, thanks so much for your tut. I love your bags, made one for my daughter’s B-Day coming up. The only problem I had was the top getting it to be a clean edge on top & I did find your extra instructions that help. What I did was fold over the top & put the ribbon over the ragged edge it work. I still haven’t put any velcro or snap yet still considering what to used. I would send you a pic but not sue how to do it. Thanks for the cool pattern, I love your fabric. Shari

  39. Aubree Says:

    Would love more instruction on how to sew the bottom triangles to make the bag stand up….wanting to make these for my bridesmaids this summer…..SO CUTE!!!!

  40. Kiersten, TheBellaLife Says:

    I am going to try this! My make up bag is a breeding ground for germs…. time to get a new one. So cute and creative. Love the blog too!!

    Kiersten, TheBellaLife

  41. Tiana Says:

    Hey I was wondering can you use a zipper rather than Velcro ? If so how would u add it?

  42. marilyn Says:

    omg.. i love this pretty cosmetic bag…. i love the idea.. of the velcro instead of a zipper… such a unique way of making it so cute.. and clasical…
    im going to try this new idea… thank you..

  43. Makeup Bag Sewing Tutorials | Infektia Says:

    [...] Crafty Daisies: Simple Makeup Bag [...]

  44. Rebecca Says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your ideas! What an true artist you are! Are you on you tube? You should consider it! It would be great to have a visual tutorial. Gracias! P.S. great bag!- Rebecca (NYC)

  45. Sarah Jo Says:

    Those are looking so cute!! I sent these type of bags to my friend whose living at Hyderabad, India through IHM…..

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