Would you like to learn to knit or crochet?

May 8th, 2007 by Heather

I have been throwing around the idea of doing a learn to knit or crochet series. I would post weekly with new tips and tricks, plus different stitches. I would also post a pattern each week that would pertain to what was taught that week. So like a knitting / crochet class, but online.

I know there are a lot of sites that show the basic stitches, but I would make each lesson more involved than I’ve seen. Plus with weekly patterns to do before the next lesson, it would be a great way to learn how to knit or crochet!

Is there any interest in this? Would you like to see this? Would you find it helpful? Please comment!

ETA:  I removed the poll - not sure why it wasn’t working :)

36 Responses to “Would you like to learn to knit or crochet?”

  1. Emily Says:

    poll isn’t working Heather - but I think this would be fun. I would definitely read it even though I already knit and crochet, since I always make mistakes and your stuff comes out so great.


  2. Christine Says:

    I vote for knitting :)

  3. Karen Says:

    I vote for knitting too! I only know how to knit a scarf, so it would be nice to learn other stitches, etc.

  4. Bre Says:

    Poll isn’t working for me either but I’d say crochet - I have no idea how to do it and I really want to learn! Knitting I understand pretty well for a beginner though, so knitting lessons wouldn’t hurt either! :)

  5. Lisa Clarke Says:

    I would like either one! I would love to be able to make something wearable that I can make polymer clay buttons for, but I don’t really know whether knit or crochet is better. Whatever is fastest and easiest :-)

  6. Carrie Says:

    Knitting please!

  7. Heidi Evans Says:

    I would love to learn both!!!

  8. Kelly Says:

    This is such a cool idea! I’d totally try this. My votes for knitting but I’d be excited about either. So cool!

  9. Ana Says:

    I want to learn crochet, but if knitting wins I’ll sure follow all the lessons! Thanks a lot!

  10. Plain Jane Says:

    I would LOVE crochet instructions. I crochet already, but just a basic granny square and little else. I don’t understand the terms that the websites and books give, so your instructions would be fabulous!

  11. Feli Says:

    I would love crochet instructions too. I have no idea how to do it but I have been to 1 class last year and I have forgotten how to do it

  12. Lindsay Says:

    This is a wonderful idea. I know how to knit, but I’d love to learn crochet.

  13. Ezgi Says:

    I would love to learn both but I can knit a little, so crochet will be more interesting and fun. But no matter what you decide, I will keep up visiting your website daily :)

  14. deborah Says:

    i am in the process of learning to knit–s l o w l y–but would love extra tutoring since i don’t really understand the jargon used in most books either.

  15. texcilla Says:

    Yes, please, would love to learn either or both!

  16. pamela Says:

    I vote for knitting, never could get the hang of crochet.
    I really would like a good lesson on how to change yarns mid-project.
    oh and any tips on hand felting knit goods.
    yes yes yes!

  17. Alina Says:

    Wonderful idea! I just started learning to knit two days ago…knit one purl one…it’s going pretty well but to take part in something like this would help with motivation! I love the blog, by the way :)

  18. Shelley Davis Says:

    I would love to learn to do one or both of these! I know the basics of both. I would love to learn how to do something with it.

  19. Tracy Says:

    crochet please!-I know some of the basics but everything I try turns out a wonky shape-help me!

  20. Judy Says:

    I can knit and purl pretty good but that is as far as it goes…cannot understand picking up stitches and how to join things so would love knitting. I can crochet but plenty to learn there too so whatever you pick first is fine with me and I just totally love this idea! I live in a rural area where there are few options to learn new crafts.

  21. Kelly Says:

    I would be interested. I would like to know how to knit and crochet.

  22. Alice Anjo Says:

    An additional idea, as though knittig and crocheting were not enough, would be something on hand embroidery.

  23. Henna Says:

    I would like that. I am a beginner knitter and I am looking for something like this. Here is the knit stich, now make this. Here is how to increase, now make this. Here is how you purl, now make this. I am having such a hard time finding projects that are small enough to practice on that are my skill level!

  24. Felisha Says:

    both knitting and crochet would be great. i am a beginner to both.

  25. Carol Says:

    This sounds great - I’d be interested in either or both!

  26. Letty Says:

    Hi, I love your idea and would like to lear how to crochet. Can’t wait for the first lesson!


  27. Julie K in Taiwan Says:

    Either would be delightful for me! Thank you.

  28. Lola's *mom* Says:

    I would love to learn how to knit. I don’t have any supplies but I was just telling my husband this would be a great birthday present. Please do this and thanks so much!

  29. Angela Says:

    Oh, this would be wonderful! I can crochet, but only a basic stitch and I would love to learn knitting! I hope it happens. =)

  30. Ann-Marie Says:

    I think that either knitting or crochetting is a good idea. I have been teaching my 29 Grade 5/6 students how to knit and we are just finishing a class quilt made of all their knitted squares! It has been very rewarding! They are holding a raffle for the quilt to make money for our local SPCA. Because of the classroom project, I’ve developed a renewed interest in knitting and now I like to see what possibilities there are out there - for projects of my own. I’ve made some booties for a not-yet-born granchild and I’m going to make some felt slippers. Bring it on!

  31. Kim Says:

    I would love, love, LOVE to learn to crochet!

  32. chilihead Says:

    I would love to learn to crochet!

  33. Kristie Says:

    I have a basic knowledge of knitting but have been wanting to learn to crochet too. So, I would enjoy either one but vote for crochet.
    Love your blog!

  34. Gina Says:

    I want to learn how to knit. I can crochet but want tolearn to knit

  35. Sara Says:

    I just learned the bottom of the barrel basic stiches in crochet and would love to improve!! WONDERFUL idea!

  36. cassie Says:

    Either would be great!

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