Back to my love
June 22nd, 2007 by Candace
My poor, neglected craft corner. I haven’t sat down at it in over three weeks and I’m about to pitch a fit. The hubby and I have been working our fingers off trying to spruce up the outside of our house. So while I wanted to be doing stuff like this, I was transforming this:
to this:
While we love the way the house looks, it’s not completely done but done enough to where I can busy my hands crocheting instead of painting. But now I’ve got so many ideas – seriously, it feels like a storm is brewing over my head – of things I want to make, I don’t even know where to begin and just trying to decide takes most of my energy that I would need to do it. So, any of you crafters out there who feel like you’ve got too many ideas stuck in the noggin’ too, how do you organize them quickly and easily so you can begin to complete them?
June 22nd, 2007 at 8:11 am
Oh Bless you and your window boxes! It looks so charming. I want to visit. I am sure it feels good to sit on your porch with good coffee. I love red doors!
I, too, have too many things to do. And i don’t organize them, no time. I generally just do what feels the most pressing at the time, what i want to do or what i can do. I don’t think you really can do more. even with a list you are just going to look at it and pick one, generally not the top one and do it for one of the reasons above. But your house looks great and what doesn’t get done now will prob be better than planned when done later.
June 22nd, 2007 at 9:01 am
Hey–we just did that too: see it here. Still too much to do. LOVE your red door, we went with pea green.
June 22nd, 2007 at 9:25 am
June 22nd, 2007 at 9:26 am
What a difference a red door makes! Massive curb appeal. Your house looks very inviting that way.
Ideas. I’m starting to resent ideas. They wake me up in the middle of the night and give me a slight feeling of panic when I don’t get to them. Then there’s that minor issue of follow through once you’ve embarked on an idea. I’ve started a note book to log my ideas and I also have some post-its stuck to the door of my computer armoire with some of last year’s ideas. In fact, writing about my ideas is starting to make me feel compulsive. . . must stop.
June 22nd, 2007 at 10:28 am
I love that red door!
Whenever I get an idea for something I want to make I always write it down. Which usually ends up meaning I have dozens of lists floating around… When I feel like there are too many lists, I take all the lists and compile it into one. Then I just pick a project that sounds good and work on it.
I also keep a notebook for sketching designs out in and jotting down ideas that I know I want to work on eventually, but not quite yet.
June 22nd, 2007 at 10:35 am
Wow! The “before” picture was a mighty cute house – but the “after”? Wow, wow, wow!!! I just love your new and improved curb appeal!
June 22nd, 2007 at 11:58 am
That looks amazing. I hae a tendency to do something small and quick first, so that I feel I have accomplished something, and then I’ll start a longer bigger project.
June 22nd, 2007 at 12:24 pm
Oh Delightful! I just loved scrolling back and forth from the before and after to spy the changes. Love how your door pops now with a new coat of paint and minus a storm door. great job. And girlie if you ever want to post pictures of the inside, I would sure take a gander. Love the look of your craft corner, so cute!
June 22nd, 2007 at 1:20 pm
what an adorable home! i love it!
June 22nd, 2007 at 1:41 pm
How cute!!! “Little” touches sure can make a big impact.
June 22nd, 2007 at 1:46 pm
Your house is so cute…and the “after” picture is great. I love your red front door, and the flower boxes, oh just everything!
June 22nd, 2007 at 2:17 pm
Your house looks great! I had fun scrolling between the two photos to see what was changed. Was like one of those newspaper puzzles where you have to look for 6 differences. lol
I posted about the same thing the other day! So many ideas and not sure where to start! The ‘summer of socks’ thing I joined made my mind up for me. Socks it is!
June 22nd, 2007 at 6:53 pm
Love the red door! And the craft corner is nifty, too. I have the same trouble – so many ideas of things I want to try, and too little time to do them all. I was feeling overwhelmed by it all for a while, until I just sat down one day and worked on whatever popped into my mind first. It released the “pressure” a bit, and since then I’ve just been a crafting lunatic. I haven’t done everything I was dreaming of, but I’ve come up with new things and done those, and I’ll get to the original ideas sooner or later. Or not
June 22nd, 2007 at 7:32 pm
Holy-moly! That is fantastic! Very nice, time well spent!
June 22nd, 2007 at 10:21 pm
What a beautiful home! And the bold red door is so welcoming. At least your craft corner neglect has paid off.
I, too, have been having bouts of over-craft-syndrome. None of my normal methods of organizing my mind are working. At the end of the day, I’ve added three projects to my to-do list and crossed out none. It’s getting to the point where I just can’t look at my craft table anymore. (Poor craft table!)
June 23rd, 2007 at 7:50 am
I keep a craft idea list. When I get a new idea, I tuck it into the list where I think it might go … at the beginning, end, or somewhere in the middle. I try really hard to only work on one project at a time, but that never works. Never. For me it’s good to write down all my ideas because then I don’t worry about forgetting them. Every couple months, I’ll look through the list and rearrange it a little.
P.S. Your home is beautiful!
June 23rd, 2007 at 7:27 pm
Your craft corner looks fabulous!
And your house – amazing! You’ve been working hard and oh my! What a difference!! =)
Hmmm, as far as organizing projects, usually I’m making gifts or what-not so those come first. Then any seasonal items that can be used during this season that I’m working on, then I’ll try to jump ahead for the next season. Sometimes projects are so fabulous though, I stop whatever else I”m doing and start them …. of course, all that makes me sound much more organized than I really am! LOL! Most of the time I think I just wing it and do whatever seems the most fun!
June 24th, 2007 at 5:47 am
What a beautiful home you have! I love the new color for the door too! And your craft corner, it looks like a dream. Someday I hope to have a little nook or even a room for my crafts. Which reminds me I need to organize my walk in closet where I keep my yarn and maternial! It is taking over everything in there as it isn’t all ‘sorted’ into my boxes.
June 24th, 2007 at 11:59 pm
Wow the house looks lovely and cheery. The first thing I noticed wasn’t the red door like you would think but the planter box and flowers. Looks great.
Now get back to your craft corner.
June 25th, 2007 at 4:31 am
The house looks AWESOME. The front steps/door/railings make a huge difference, and the window boxes are a very nice touch – but my favorite part is the change on the side porch. WOW. In the ‘before’ picture, do don’t even really notice what a great porch you have, and in the ‘after’ picture it looks so nice and inviting – and very crisp with the new paint (i’m assuming on the floor and bottom of the house) and the hanging plants finish it off perfectly.
And how do I keep up with all my ideas. Considering that I have very little time to do any crafting at all – I keep a very organized ‘idea’ notebook. I keep this notebook with me in the house whenever I’m reading magazines and it stays by the computer for when I’m inpired by people online. Also, when I”m at work, I’ll email ideas home so that I make sure i don’t forget them (then they all go into an ‘ideas’ personal folder).
So, this notebook is a full size spiral notebook – but the pages are blank. I think it might be a sketch notebook for drawing – anyway, I have it sub-divided into lots of topics – scrapbook layout ideas, scrapbook album ideas, crafts, sewing, house type stuff, child crafting, gardening, and a general inspriation area. I have lots of cut outs from different mags (scrapbooking mags, better homes and gardes, pottery barn, etc) and then I write my ideas beside the clippings.
Then on the computer, I have two folders called ‘inspiration’ – one for scrapbook inspiration and the other is for ‘general’ inspiration. Everytime I’m on a blog or website and they have a picture of something that I like or would like to try – I save the picture into these folders. Then, occassionally I just go to that folder and ‘scroll’ through all the images.
Sorry I wrote a book!!!
June 25th, 2007 at 7:22 am
Complete? Hahahahhaaha I never COMPLETE much, but I’ve got the organizing of ideas down to a science…
I keep a master folder with all my ideas. Inside of that are folders on each topic such as embroidery, clothing to sew, knitting, etc. As I collect ideas, patterns, tutorials, or just images that inspire, I download them and place them in the appropriate folder.
I could stay busy for a decade if I’d actually get started making any of this stuff.
Your house is so sweet and storybook cute! I love it!
June 26th, 2007 at 10:02 am
What a lovely house! The red door is just right, and it all looks very inviting.
June 27th, 2007 at 2:53 pm
It looks great, I love the bright red door.
June 29th, 2007 at 5:22 pm
It’s so charming! LOVE the red door. That’s what we’re doing, too.
You’ve done such a good job. The windowboxes are a great, homey touch and something I’m sure at least half the women in the world have always wanted anyhow.
What did you do to re-colour the front porch? It looks fabulous. Also, I’m a wee bit jealous of your sideporch. How perfect! I can just see you sitting out there at night, crocheting away…
June 29th, 2007 at 5:25 pm
Oh, ideas: I keep a notebook in which I jot down ideas, random thoughts, and designs. I even have coloured pencils for it. I keep a small notebook & pencil in my purse for the same reason; I can rip it out & paste it into the ‘main’ book later.
As far as what to do first? Good heavens, I’ve no idea. Sometimes I think I’m so weighted down by all the ideas I’m left sort of stunned into inactivity. That is something I really, really hate, and I should probably pray about that issue! lol
July 19th, 2007 at 8:47 am
I love your house! The red door looks great (isn´t that supposed to bring happiness and prosperity to a house?) and I love the roofline. I just stumbled across your blog through a series of other crafting blogs and I really like it, I´ll be back!
January 16th, 2011 at 7:16 pm
I wonder why i did not knew this before…. it was a good read. You are working on a very good blog.. i lpook forward to visit your blog again….