The best granny square book ever

July 3rd, 2007 by Candace

This post will begin as a shout-out to Amazon. I ordered these books Friday, qualified for the free super shipping (which usually takes 5-10 business days to arrive) and they arrived this morning. Woot woot! So what did I order? Let’s take a look, shall we?

I’m sure we’ve all seen this book around lately:


And the inside is just as pretty as the outside. The projects are beautiful and look relatively easy. I am a newbie at sewing, so the thought that I could make some of these things makes my heart flutter. And since everyone I know seems to be adding to the population, I’ll be making up some of these sweet baby bibs


Amy Karol, you’re a genius! If you haven’t purchased your copy yet, go here and get it.

Next up is, hands down, the best granny square book I have found. This book is brought to you by Jan Eaton, the same author who gave us 200 Ripple Stitches (that I own and also love). In my last post, I told you I’ve been so inspired lately and have been on the lookout everywhere for patterns, designs and color combinations. And if that’s what you’re looking for as well, then this book has it.


It starts out with three full-color pages of all the types of grannies available in the book. And it just gets better from there.


This is just one of my many favorites


I wish I could post pictures of all the blocks because they’re so beautiful, but I can’t. So you must buy it for yourself. Click here to purchase this gem of a book.

And as an end note, the crochet lesson will be post-poned until tomorrow, so if you’re following that, check back tomorrow to get lesson #7.

4 Responses to “The best granny square book ever”

  1. Dawn Says:

    It just so happens that I have this granny square book on loan from the library. It has tons of nice blocks in it. I think I like the snowflake one the best so far.

  2. Zuleika Says:

    That crochet book is really good. I have that one myself. I’m going to check amazon for that sewing book. Yet another would be addition to my collection! :-)

  3. Kat Says:

    I have the jan eaton book and made about 6 different ones - it’s a great book, very easy to follow and the patterns are lovely

    more colourful cover here in the UK though, all hot pinks and oranges in the squares

  4. Lauren Says:

    I pre ordered the bends the rules sewing book and got it last month. As a beginner I found the wording a bit confusing. But I love the things she didnt in there. I haven’t had time to actually sit down and sew anything yet.

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