Learn to Crochet – Lesson #11
July 31st, 2007 by HeatherSee all the posts in the Crochet School…
We’ve reached our last lesson! You did it!! You should now have a nice lapghan all sewn together, ready to finish off the edges?
There are two stitches I will go over for finishing the edges, the crab stitch and ruffles. Both are very easy to master, but create completely different looks.
Crab Stitch (a.k.a Reverse Single Crochet)
First of all, you will want to do a row of sc around your entire blanket, working 3 sc into each corner. This gives a nice clean edge to work off of.
From crochetcabana.com:
After completing a row of single crochet, do not turn the work around, chain one, *insert the hook into the next stitch to the right (not in the stitch you just completed, but the next one, draw up a loop. Here’s how you do that – You just angle your hook down and grab that sucker and pull it through. yo as normal and pull through both loops on the hook. rep from * across row.
Follow the link for pictures of the finished edge as well
Ruffled Edge
This edging uses a lot of yarn, so keep that in mind Again, you will want to do a row of sc around your entire blanket, working 3 sc into each corner.
Begin with a chain 4. Triple crochet into the same space, and then triple crochet in the same stitch. Work 2 trc into each stich along the edge, work 4 trc into the stitch before the corner, 6trc in the corner, 4 trc in the stitch after the corner and then 2 trc in each stitch along the edge. Continue around. You can see a picture of the ruffled edge here.
That’s it!! You will now have a wonderful lapghan to keep you warm on the upcoming cool fall and winter nights!
If you want to be entered into the draw for the fun crochet goodies, send me a picture of your completed afghan to heccles at gmail dot com by 10pm EST on Sunday August 5. I will share everyone’s completed lapghans and announce the winner next Tuesday!!
July 31st, 2007 at 9:21 am
eeep! I’m so not ready–I’m just finishing up blocking!
Are there other edging options, Heather, something with more width like the ruffled edge but that will lay flat?
July 31st, 2007 at 9:33 am
Sorry, I should have thought of that. You can also do a few rounds of just single or double crochet, working 3 into the corners. This will make a nice clean (and flat) edge.
August 1st, 2007 at 5:56 am
I didn’t get anywhere close to having a lapghan, but I did learn a lot about crochet. I am pretty much stuck on the easy stitches, but I figure I’ll master them before I start on the more difficult ones.
Thanks again for putting this together. You helped me learn the basics of crochet, and I had been trying for years!
August 1st, 2007 at 10:12 am
Heather, I’ve so much enjoyed these lessons. I’ve learned a great deal!
I’m afraid I’m still a few weeks behind. I don’t think I’ll be finished by the 5th. I’m looking forward to seeing how others’ lapghans have turned out, though!