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Sewing Machine Covers

August 28th, 2007 by Jen Love

I have never shared with you pictures of my “studio” because until recently I didn’t really have one. But recently I got a great desk from my favorite antique store to put in the corner off of our living room. A permanent, beautiful desk that doesn’t fold up to be put away! Now that I am all organized with my shelves of baskets and matching bins I really want to work to keep it an attractive corner of our house. But as much as I love my sewing machine I don’t want to look at it all the time. So I made this pattern for a sewing machine cover.


I made it reversible and heat bonded the two fabrics together so it would stand stiff. Then sewed bias tape around to edge it.
The reversed side:


The sides tie with ribbon.



It was fairly easy to make and I love to look over and see fabric that I like rather than just my machine. If you are interested you can buy my machine covers here.

This second cover is made with four panels to cover all sides of the machine and has a handy opening for the machine handle. It has pleated corners and a stripe of velvet trim. This is also available at my etsy store, and look for more colors. I was pleased with these covers which did not take much fabric, and make me smile when I walk by. Here you can get a slight glimpse of my new sewing table! The cover really finished it!



The embroidery school is post-poned until tomorrow, so if you’re following that, please check back tomorrow morning for Lesson 3.

13 Responses to “Sewing Machine Covers”

  1. Jen Love Says:

    This red cover was bought this morning and is flying to its new home in New Zealand but check out my other new additions:

    Thanks, Jen

  2. University Update - UN Studio - Sewing Machine Covers Says:

    [...] the Webmaster Sewing Machine Covers » This Summary is from an article posted at Crafty Daisies on Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Sewing [...]

  3. Felicia Says:

    What excellent sewing machine covers and a lovely sewing nook :)

  4. Fiona Says:

    What a great idea. I too need to cover my sewing machine and didn’t want to fiddle with a four sided cover. This is so much easier.

  5. Sugarshop (Dena) Says:

    Great cover. Love the fabric!

  6. Mymsie Says:

    Utilitarian & chic!

  7. dana Says:

    my machine is in the basement – where my studio is – so i don’t really need a cover. after seeing yours, it definitely want a cover. thanks for the embroidery lessons. its been fun. i have been practicing on lesson one . if you don’t talk about it in lesson two, will you address starting knots and ending knots?

    thanks, dana

  8. Heather Says:

    I love this I started a sewing machine cover but got frustrated with the four sides. This will be much easier. I love your nook. I prefer sewing in the family room; you can create while the kids run around you. Tricky sometimes but I like it.

  9. rita Says:

    I love it, will try to make one, but what if you have a embroidery machine with the attachement?

  10. Nancy Says:

    I recently found an older sewing machine (1960′s) at a local consignment shop and I’m so excited becasue it’s metal and built to last forever. It came with a hard cover, but because of its age, the cover is quite beaten up and ready to break if lifted and carried by the handle on top. This machine weighs between 50-60 lbs. The machine itself is in excellent condition and that may be because it has been kept covered and free from dust. I saw your simple, yet lovely soft cover and it’s going to me my first project on my new/old machine. I doubt I’ll be carrying it around much, and like your machine, it needs to find a home in a corner. Thx:)

  11. Angela Says:

    This is a great idea. You could also alter the pattern to cover an electric mixer, or other small appliances.

  12. Jivanjoti Says:

    Is there a way I can buy one of your sewing machine covers?

  13. girl Says:

    I Love your creations they are so cute. People who are this creative never cease to amaze me.